“”Look at me dad”” chainsaw carving was originally inspired by some pictures of Gorillas in our house and my 3 year old daughter Nicole. Ever since she could crawl around, she would come to me and sit on my lap and play or gibber jabber, trying to talk to me and get me to play with her. Many times even now she will come into my home office and pull on the chair to get me to turn around and pick her up so she can sit on my lap and draw pictures while I work on the computer. When I don’t pay attention to her, she grabs my face and turns it to her so she can look in my eyes to make sure I am paying attention.

We also have some very mystic pictures of Gorillas in our house and I really wanted to try and carve a gorilla. When I received this large log, I instantly pictured this great gorilla sitting there. I was almost obsessed with the thought of chainsaw carving a gorilla out of this log. I did a little research by searching for pictures of gorillas on the Internet and was reviewing the pictures one day. While engrossed in looking at the pictures, Nicole came along and did her usual thing, and pulled my chair out and insisted on sitting on my lap. As usual, I handed her a couple of pencils and some paper to draw funny faces with and went back to studying the pictures of gorillas. Sure enough a few minutes later Nicole wanted me to draw pictures for her and I was not cooperating, because I was immersed with what I was doing. When she grabbed my face and forced me to look at her and listen to her, the idea came to me.

I could picture it perfectly, a majestic gorilla contemplating the troubles and imminent extinction of life holding a baby who just wants to see the love in her dad’s eyes. I think it turned out very well and the cracking or checking of the log suits the chainsaw carving. I think it symbolizes the growing extinction of the Gorilla. Unless this piece is well cared for, it will deteriorate and eventually disintegrate into nothing, just like the Gorilla will if nothing is done to help them.

Gorilla Look at me dad


Gorilla Look at me dad


Gorilla Look at me dad

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